Under the Lifelong Learning Programme.

Project title  Education in Strategic Management for SMEs managers/owners
Project number  CZ/12/LLP-LdV/TOI/134004
Acronym    ESM for SMEs
Project duration  24 months
Start date  12/2012
Total budget  260 742,50 EUR
Small and medium sized firms (SMEs) are the backbone of the EU economy, representing over 90 % of all registered companies, creating more than 65 % of jobs in the private sector and over 54 % of the overall value added (see Eurostat). Their sustainable development, competitiveness and growth are therefore one of the EU’s economic priorities (see the Small Business Act of the EC, 2008). Research (Beaver,2002, Laveren at al, 2002 or Mazzarol, 2004) though indicates, that SMEs do have an inborn weakness, that negatively impacts their long-term competitiveness - their managers and/or owners do not manage their firms strategically. One of the key reasons for this is that the SMEs owners and/or managers lack the necessary knowledge to be able to do so. 

By transferring know-how from a L. da V. project "Business Transfer Project II; BTP II" of Jonchoping International Business School (Sweden; JIBS), focused onto online education of managers in the business transfer, we would like to create also an educational portal, that would allow the SMEs owners/managers to acquire new, practically focused, knowledge in strategic management of their firms. The transfer of innovation would, apart from other, lie in adopting the so-called online scoring approach (in the BTP II project called online screening tool) that would, apart from other, allow to identify the individual educational needs of the users and offer personalized online courses.

The platform would be available in four languages: ENG, CZE, SK and SW to make it available to the SMEs managers/owners in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Sweden and, thanks to English, also in the UK and elsewhere in the EU.

The consortium would be composed of an applicant - B.I.B.S., a.s., one of the largest non-governmental universities in the Czech republic, Jonchoping International Business School (Sweden), that would provide the transferred know-how, VSM University (Slovakia), the Mendel University, the Association of SMEs and the POPAI association (the Czech republic).
Tangible outcomes of the project would be:

- the business transfer screening tool adjusted for the purpose of scoring and benchmarking in the area of strategic management,
- unique benchmarking data on SMEs strategic management from four EU countries,
- e-learning (curricula and teaching materials),
- an on-line scoring/benchmarking and e-learning platform,
- reports on qualitative and quantitative research phase,
- dissemination materials,

The intangible outcome of the proposed project would be improving the availability of vocational education, tailored to the specific needs of SMEs managers and owners (lack of time, need for strongly praxes-driven education etc.)

The envisaged impact is represented by better real knowledge and capabilities of SMEs owners/managers to improve strategic management in their firms, and their higher motivation for further education in strategic management.


Role Name Country Type of organisation
Applicant co-ordinator - until April 2014, withdrew from the project B.I.B.S., a.s. CZ – Czech Republic University or higher education institution
Core partner Jönköping International
Business School
SE - Sweden University or higher education institution
Core partner Vysoká škola manažmentu v Trenčíně SK - Slovakia University or higher education institution
Core partner - until April 2014, project co-ordinator from May 2014 Mendelova univerzita v Brně CZ – Czech Republic University or higher education institution
Associated partner Asociace malých a středních podniků a živnostníků ČR CZ – Czech Republic Non-profit associations
Associated partner POPAI CENTRAL EUROPE CZ – Czech Republic Non-profit associations

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission thorough the National Agency for European Educational Programmes (NAEP), Czech Republic, Call Leonardo da Vinci, Transfer of Innovation, 2012.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This web page reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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