Hvězda 3D reklamy (Star of 3D Advertising)

Represents the Best that Our Promotional and Gift Item Market Has to Offer

Boasting a long tradition, the Star of 3D Advertising Competition annually presents innovations from the world of 3D advertising and is a unique source of inspiration and information on trends in the promotional and gift item market.

The competition is open to Czech and foreign companies that work with 3D advertising, such as suppliers of promotional and gift items, agencies, promotion teams, advertisers, representatives of retail, etc. 

These promotional and gift items are presented in the competition in seven major product categories as well as in two special categories. The first of the two – A Promotional Item of the Third Millennium aims at individual designs of young entrants as the organisers consider creative work by the new generation in particular to be very important. The special category Stargate strives to increase the motivation of those who have not yet participated in the event.

This year's Star of 3D Advertising Competition will be announced on May 31, 2019. From this date it will be possible to send in applications. The competition deadline is Sep. 27, 2019.

An expert panel of judges will evaluate the entries during October 2019. The official declaration of the competition results and the award ceremony will take place on Nov. 21, 2019 during the gala evening of the POPAI DAY 2019 – a prestigious event in the marketing and retail sector. The exposition of all exhibits of the 2019 Star of 3D Advertising will be included in the POPAI DAY programme. 

The wide media coverage of the competition is ensured in the form of articles, classified ads, press releases but also via electronic and printed presentation materials including the catalogue of all exhibits of the Star of 3D Advertising competition. 

For more information you can visit the CZECH version.

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