is the Central European branch of the international association POPAI.

It represents the marketing at retail industry and works for professionals within this sector. POPAI CENTRAL EUROPE was established in 2001 as the first official POPAI branch for Central and Eastern Europe. Since its existence, POPAI CE has become a successful operating sector association with an extensive program of activities, whereby business marketing communication is supported. 

International POPAI has years of tradition. It was already established in 1936 in the USA and in 1988, the first branches were established in Europe. At present, the international POPAI network is represented by more than 1.700 member associations in more than 45 countries around the world.  

Several groups operate within the scope of POPAI CENTRAL EUROPE, of which each is focused on a certain area of the association’s operations: promotion of POPAI and its members in the media, popularization of the marketing at-retail  sector, research on the effectiveness of marketing communication tools and analyses of the POP market, the continual education program for expanding knowledge and skills in in-store communication and in-store marketing, the Advertisers Club program, a section for digital and multimedia communication etc.



STATUTES of the  POPAI CENTRAL EUROPE, z.s. National Office

Code of Ethics of POPAI CENTRAL EUROPE Members


Members of POPAI CENTRAL EUROPE - an international nonprofit institution aimed solely at serving the interests of POP producers and distributors, designers and P.O.P. users (goods manufacturers and distributors) and other professionals involved in the POP segment, are aware that upon the adoption and approval of this document by the General Meeting of POPAI CENTRAL EUROPE they are binding themselves to abide by the provisions of the Code of Ethics.


Conditions for membership in POPAI CE.

National Office Membership Registration Form

Here you can download National Office Membership Registration Form.

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Interactive map of all POPAI members around the world.

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