POPAI CENTRAL EUROPE organizes the POPAI STUDENT AWARD, which aims to promote and develop cooperation with representatives and students of universities as well as secondary and art schools specializing in below-the-line marketing communication in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

In this prestigious event, students compete for the best designs of in-store communication means and campaigns matching the job specification from the actual advertisers – partners of the competition. These include 3D and 2D graphic designs of POP materials along with complex below-the-line communication campaigns projects focusing on POP media.

The event promotes the professional development of new experts in below-the-line marketing communication from among the ranks of students and enables them to become actively involved in the field of marketing communication. Furthermore, it offers new opportunities for cooperation between advertisers and schools through new creative ideas of the students.

The competition represents a unique opportunity for students to develop cooperation with major advertisers and gain new possibilities to establish themselves in this discipline. 

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