POPAI CE research

Research on the effectiveness of marketing communication tools, shopping behavior and POP market analyses.

Shopper Engagement Study

The “Shopper Engagement Study Czech Republic” is a unique research project from POPAI CENTRAL EUROPE and market research agency Ipsos offering a comprehensive look at the retail shopping behavior of Czech customers in our country’s supermarkets and hypermarkets.

Pilot Research Measuring the Effectiveness of POP

In cooperation with Energizer Czech, Plzeňský Prazdroj, Pribina, and Vitana, POPAI CE has coordinated several pilot research studies measuring the effectiveness of POP materials.

POP Research Through the Eyes of the Consumer

This empirical research study provides an understanding of the spontaneous perceptions and reactions of the consumer to individual types of POS media, analyses the impact of POP materials on purchasing decisions, and provides a comprehensive view of advertising and the retail shopping environment through the “eyes of the consumer.”

Attitude of Advertisers Towards In-store Communication

Since 2003, POPAI CE has monitored the attitudes of advertisers as part of a long-term research program that includes a year-over-year comparison of results. The project analyses the current attitudes of advertisers to various media types including in-store communication and identifies how advertisers perceive POP as a communication channel.

Guide to Using POP in Retail Chains

Since 2005, this survey has measured the potential use of communication media at the point of sale and has tracked the opinions of retail chain representatives. It explores the key motivational factors for retailer cooperation with in-store advertisers, analyses the retailer’s views regarding their perceived importance, and the effectiveness of individual media types, including POP materials.

Czechs & Advertising

An annual research project which analyses the attitudes of Czech consumers to advertising. Building on the results of the first survey conducted in 1993 by Marktest, the research has been continued in recent years by market research agency, ppm factum.

POP Advertising Display Power

The subject of the survey was POP floor displays selected primarily from the impulse goods category. The research focuses on quantifying the impact of these displays on purchase behavior and identifies and analyses the attributes which benefit the advertiser and retailer and which affect the success or failure of the POP display.

Research in The Field of Gift and Promotional Items

A unique research project from POPAI CENTRAL EUROPE which analyses the current advertising and gift market. It examines the growth potential of select gift segments, the sale of promotional items in terms of their basic categorization, and the effectiveness of individual types of gift items and their impact on the consumer.

Monitoring Investments in In-store Communication and in Gift and Promotional Items

Monitoring investments in in-store communication is an ongoing project that provides information on the volume of investment in ad production at the point of sale in the Czech Republic as well as information on its structure. The research data has been processed and presented in a time series since 2010. “Monitoring” tracks investment in the development and production of traditional POP tools, digital communication tools and newly also investments in the development and production of gift and promotional items.

HORECA - HoReCa In-Store Insight Study

This survey analyses the roles and functions of in-store communication in the HORECA segment (hotels, restaurants, cafes and other similar facilities), while examining the effectiveness of different types of communication means and their future potential in this segment.

PEFS (POP Effectiveness Focus Study)

The objective of the PEFS research project is to evaluate the sales performance of model POP campaigns. The project is based on the results of surveys between retail chains and advertisers, which have shown that determining the effectiveness of POP campaigns is currently considered by both retailers and brand manufacturers to be one of the basic prerequisites of future investment.

POP Semiotic Guide

The Semiotic Guide is a unique project new to our market, which aims to achieve better, richer, more consistent, more meaningful and therefore more effective communication at the point of sale by applying the principles and tools of semiotics.

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