The Central-European branch of POPAI is organising an international specialist event, which is perceived as a significant affair in the world of point-of-sale communication.


POPAI DAY will offer an extensive day-long programme, which will include: The POPAI FORUM Conference, expositions of three prestigious industry competitions

  • POPAI AWARDS for the best in-store projects,
  • Star of 3D Advertising Competition for the best promotional and gift items,
  • POPAI STUDENT AWARD for the best student in-store communication projects.

The final item on the agenda will be the Gala Evening with the official presentation of awards to the competition winners.

POPAI DAY arouses a considerable interest in its participation. POPAI DAY  including the gala evening is attended by more than 600 representatives of the professional public - top and middle management of brand product manufacturers, delegates of retail companies, managers of marketing and advertising agencies, representatives of producers and suppliers of in-store communication means, representatives of the professional media and schools.

We are pleased to share with you a video showing the great atmosphere
and success of POPAI DAY 2017


Photo gallery of POPAI DAY 2017

Foto :Ondřej Littera      

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