POP advertiser
Upfield ČR, spol. s r.o. - Kateřinská 466/40, 120 00 Praha 2
Upfield Slovensko, spol. s.r.o. - Vajnorská 100/B (Polus Tower II), 831 04 Bratislava
Upfield is a global leader in plant-based nutrition with a great history and a portfolio of iconic brands that people have used and trusted for generations. This includes Flora, Rama, Hera, Perla or Créme Bonjour.
Our purpose is clear: Making people healthier and happier with great-tasting, healthy and natural plant-based products which are good for our planet.
We are a global food company operating in 95 markets. We have the mind-set of a start-up. This makes us fast, agile, entrepreneurial, cost conscious and accountable for our products – from seed to serving at the breakfast, lunch or dinner table.
We take quality seriously and around the world we taste products every 30 seconds. We take our consumers seriously and more than 150 people will taste test each of our new innovations before they hit the shelves.
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