Code of Ethics of POPAI CENTRAL EUROPE Members


Members of POPAI CENTRAL EUROPE - an international nonprofit institution aimed solely at serving the interests of POP producers and distributors, designers and P.O.P. users (goods manufacturers and distributors) and other professionals involved in the POP segment, are aware that upon the adoption and approval of this document by the General Meeting of POPAI CENTRAL EUROPE they are binding themselves to abide by the provisions of the Code of Ethics.

By adopting the Code of Ethics the members declare


  • To contribute, through their actions, to the development and effective promotion of the P.O.P. (Point of Purchase) segment, primarily by increasing the importance of P.O.P. throughout the entire marketing mix, improving the level of education of the wide ranks of professionals in the P.O.P. industry, developing a high level of practical activities in P.O.P., promoting better understanding of P.O.P. as an independent and significant advertising medium, encouraging participation in communication throughout the industry, exchanging experience and carrying out research aimed at defining effective strategies in P.O.P.
  • To behave under any and all circumstances in a way so as to deserve and warrant the trust of those who they come into contact with.
  • To constantly bear in mind that due to the close relationship between their business activities and industry professionals as well as the general public, their behaviour and actions will have an impact on the way that POPAI itself as well as its individual members are perceived and judged and therefore they will behave ethically and promote ethical behaviour.



  • To respect, in the course of their activities, general moral principles and rules and to adhere to the Statutes of POPAI CENTRAL EUROPE and relevant national legislation, particularly by observing fundamental human rights and respecting the rights of other businesses.
  • To observe and comply with their duties and obligations with respect to the state, especially in the area of tax liabilities, keeping accounting and observing legal standards of the country, particularly those governing opportunities for business, trades and licences.
  • To observe and comply with their duties and obligations with respect to employees, particularly in the area of labour-law relations, non-discriminatory practices concerning persons, work environment, communication and remuneration.
  • To observe and comply with their duties and obligations with respect to their customers, especially to respect the rights of customers in accordance with their own rights, to maintain truthful and undistorted communication with customers, be responsible for a product in terms of quality, safety, standards and regulations, to refrain from giving bribes or any activities which can be construed as such.
  • To observe and comply with their duties and obligations with respect to their business partners, particularly to comply with the contractually set payment and delivery terms and conditions, to promote joint interests and build mutual trust.
  • To observe rules of fair competition in relation to rivals, particularly to respect copyright, proprietary and other rights, not to damage the good name of competitors and to obtain information about competitors only via legal channels.



  • From participating in any business activities that are unethical, dishonest, and could harm the members and POPAI itself.


The Code of Ethics of the members of POPAI CENTRAL EUROPE was approved by the General Meeting of POPAI CENTRAL EUROPE on March 12, 2003. Since the date of its approval the Code of Ethics has been considered to be valid and following a breach of its provisions an offending member may have his membership in POPAI CENTRAL EUROPE revoked by a decision of the General Meeting.

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