Key benefits of POPAI CE membership

Contacts and networking

  • Year-round presentation of  the POPAI CE companies free to members: presentation of the member companies  within all seminars, workshops and the other POPAI CE events,  company profiles within the Guide through the marketing at retail industry, detailed presentation of member companies on POPAI CE web-site in Czech and English version, section on  POPAI CE web-site „News“ encompassing current information  on the member companies, media coverage of member companies at the venue of POPAI DAY etc.
  • Networking  - year  round member events with professional  program (discussions, workshops, seminars,  conferences, networking party).

Advice and Support

  • POPAI expertise, know-how and cooperation for improving the POP efficiency.
  • Monitoring of industry information - surveys, textbooks, journals, professional publications in the field of marketing at retail.
  • New information, documents and materials on POP industry including the research results focused on the POP effectiveness worldwide.

Increase Your Knowledge of POP

  • Seminars, round table discussions, conferences, professional meetings   organized by POPAI CE, free to members.
  • Regular monitoring of events focused on marketing at retail worldwide and monitoring   of professional magazines from Czech Republic and from abroad.
  • Cooperation with representatives and students of secondary schools and universities specialized in marketing communication: POPAI STUDENT AWARD - contest focused on supporting young talented creators, in-store communication as part of teaching programme.

Participate in the Industry´s Premier Trade Events at Preferential Rates

  • Discounts on shows, trade fairs, awards, conferences, seminars organized within the global POPAI network.
  • Preferential rates for entry to POPAI AWARDS, Shop! GLOBAL AWARDS and to POPAI Awards Paris. 

Improve your Marketing Strategy through Research

  • POP Effectiveness Measurement Studies.
  • Analysis of consumer behavior and impact on purchasing decisions at the point of sale.
  • Research with advertisers focused on the POP importance.
  • Research with retailers focused on the use of POP tolls at the retail chains.
  • Analysis of the current market with gifts and promotional items.
  • Monitoring of investment in the production of advertising at the point of sale in Czech Republic etc.  

Add to Your company´s credibility

  • Definition of moral principles and ethical behaviour of all members in terms of the POPAI CE Ethics code.
  • Possibility of influencing the development of the POP industry within the association representing the important POP companies.

Awareness and knowledge of the POP industry

  • Regular cooperation with professional media and promotion of the POPAI CENTRAL EUROPE association within the professional journals in the Czech and Slovak Republic.
  • Communication with the professional public through regular newsletters sent to the contact database.

Be Part of a Global Network

  • Contacts and cooperation within the global POPAI network.

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